Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Preparation For Hiking ( A free chapter from my book/course)

Chapter 2: Preparing For Hiking
I have hiked with people of all abilities from extreme novices to
hard core mountaineers. It is fun no matter who I am with but
every hike requires some preparation.
Even though your body eventually gets used to tramping up and
down mountains this is not something that happens overnight.
If you haven't hiked before or in years it wouldn't be advisable to
try a mountain peak scramble or a long backpacking through hike
as your first objective.
The main thing we do in hiking is “walk” so the first thing I would
suggest in preparing for hiking is to walk as much as you can.
We're all busy nowadays and would rather drive to the store that
is two blocks away but why not walk? Or if you work on the 3rd
floor why not use the stairs? All of these little things prepare you
for bigger and better things.
I used to hike with a lady in the Ramblers who was a letter
carrier. She could move on the trails and scramble up and down
peaks like no one I'd seen before. She walked everyday. It helps.
In Calgary, where I live there are also lots of local in town areas
where you can go for nice walks. Along the Bow river there are a
couple of really nice staircases you can go up and down for
exercise. Do that 3 or 4 times and you've done a good workout.
Especially for getting into shape for hiking.
I'm lucky that with my job right now I do a lot of walking and take
the stairs as much as I can. If I've been lazy for a week or two
between hikes I really feel it when I go.
An older hiker who been hiking for years once told us, you can
hike for years, well into your 80's and even 90's but you have to
walk whenever you can. If it's close leave the car at home and
walk. If you're below the 5th floor take the stairs. Lots of times
you'll get there before the next elevator arrives anyway.
Then there is always the option of going to the gym. This one is
harder because it takes commitment time wise and financially.
The nice thing about the gym is you can do your walk on a
treadmill and not have to actually go anywhere. Just walk.
Stretching is also a good thing, especially after a hike. It's good to
give your muscles a stretch while they are warmed up. You'll get
lots of advice and tips on which stretches to do from your fellow
hikers when you start hiking so I'm not going to give a lot of
examples here right now.

The biggest preparation for hiking is “Walking”. Because hiking for
the most part is walking. So get out and walk whenever you can.
If you've got a small pack, fill it up and wear it. Go on an in town
hike. Walk in all types of weather. Believe me you will in the

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