Monday, November 7, 2016


Even if it doesn't seem like it with the warm weather we've been getting Avalanche season is upon us. It is even more of an issue with the warming and cooling. Now is the time to be extra prepared when going out into the mountains. Really study where you are going. Does this trail lead into avi terrain? Does the trail cross any avalanche runouts? Am I and everyone in my group properly prepared and trained to venture into this terrain?

Regularly check conditions at Avalanche Canada. They have an amazing website and here is the link:

A bit about Avalanche Canada from their website: 
Avalanche Canada is a non-government, not-for-profit organization dedicated to public avalanche safety. We issue daily avalanche forecasts throughout the winter for much of the mountainous regions of western Canada, providing this free information via our website and our app, Avalanche Canada Mobile. We also coordinate and deliver avalanche awareness and education programs, provide curriculum and support to instructors of Avalanche Canada training programs, act as a central point-of-contact for avalanche information, and work closely with many different avalanche research projects, both at home and abroad.


To eliminate avalanche fatalities and injuries in Canada.


To minimize public risk in avalanche terrain by providing leadership, development, communication, coordination and delivery of public avalanche safety education, warnings, products, and services.


  • We are committed to awareness, training, and safety for the general public and for all who travel in avalanche terrain.
  • We are an inclusive and diverse organization that provides services to all winter recreation activity participants.
  • We strive to ensure that all programs, services, and materials are based on accurate research and evidence.
  • We engage in strategic relationships and alliances to further the reach of our programs and messages.
  • We investigate to understand all factors that contribute to human incidents in avalanche terrain and support that investigation by encouraging research.
  • We inspire people to safely enjoy recreation and travel in the winter backcountry environment.
  • We value our staff and community’s collective strength, energy and leadership.
  • We create a fun, healthy, professional, and sustainable workplace, and provide our staff with opportunities to grow and thrive.
  • We anticipate and respond to challenges and changes with creativity, collaboration, courage and bold enthusiasm.

Lastly they have an online tutorial everyone who plans on winter hiking ,snowshoeing etc. should take.  Enjoy their website, it's great.

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